St Catherine’s United Football Club
In 1977, a member of this parish decided they wanted to create local football club that caters to those who are busy on Sundays. St Catherine’s United Football Club (St Cat’s) was born and has grown to be a club of over 800 members, one of the largest in the Qld Christian Soccer Association.
The priest at St Catherine’s at that time, the Rev’d Rob Nolan, became the first president of the club, and now each parish priest has an ongoing role as patron. In 2024, Rev’d Elizabeth is also the secretary of the committee.
If you’d like to get involved, you can see their website and facebook pages, or email at
St Catherines’ Montessori
In 2024 we have partnered with the wonderful people at St Catherines’ Montessori. This is a small home school program delivered from our hall, Monday - Friday, term-time.
Named for two saints Catherine, Alexandria and Sienna, this small group are committed to providing education in line with requirements for home schooling education in Qld whilst caring for the whole child in front of them.
We are delighted with this partnership as it helps us realise one of the charisms of St Catherine of Alexandria who is the Patron Saint of scholars. We look forward to seeing how we can grow together and build strong community bonds.
Phone: 0430 193 222