What does love in action look like?
You will find here, some of the ways we are giving back to our community. We are always looking for initiatives we can join to bring wholeness to people’s lives. So please let us know of what you have going on.
St Catherine’s Gazette
To find a deeper connection with our community, you can access our most recent gazette here.
Community Connection
There is a long history of St Catherine’s Anglican Community supporting the wider community in times of need. During the 2011 floods, St Catherine’s was a hub for people to access shelter and support. We endeavour to continue this tradition as we explore the emerging needs of the community.
We are involved in a variety of community groups and organisations including St Cat’s Football Club and Middle Park State School. Our involvement in these groups is to be a support to people in their day to day lives whether that is joining them in celebrating, playing, or grieving. We hope that the relationships we build through these community connections creates trust and confidence so that when there is a need, there is a safe place to turn for help; whether it be listening, practical help, or spiritual guidance.
Child Safety
We are committed to the safety of all, especially the young and vulnerable. All leaders in the parish have undergone Child Protection Training and have current Blue Cards.
As a parish we have also endorsed the Archbishop’s Statement of Commitment. For this and all other policies regarding safeguarding, please go to the ACSQ Safeguarding page.