Our Team
The Rev’d Elizabeth
Donald McConnell
Rev’d Elizabeth has been the parish priest at Centenary Suburbs since November 2022. She is passionate about sharing the love of God in the world. For Liz, the best and most challenging way to do this is for each of us to be the face of Christ to whomever is in front of us; and to see the face of Christ in them.
Rev’d Elizabeth’s passion for creation care, and care of those who are experiencing poverty or marginalisation comes straight from the Gospel, as well as seeing this as the overall message of the Hebrew Scriptures as the most appropriate response to God’s love for us and our love for God.
You can email Liz at elizabeth.donald-mcconnell@anglicanchurchsq.org.au
Church Wardens
Richard Swan: 0409 020 369 rjswan@iprimus.com.au
Linda Moloney: 0438 261 159 lindamoloney59@gmail.com
Elspeth Davies: 0433 235 866 elspeth2250@gmail.com
Laurel and Lyn
Laurel with her grandchildren at the organ.
Laurel and Lyn alternately provide music for our 9am services. We are blessed to have live music which has empathy to move with the people.
Laurel usually plays the organ, and Lyn plays the piano.
Safeguarders are people in the parish who are responsible to receive and respond to information concerning child safety in accordance with the diocesan Policy for the Protection of Children in Ministry Units.
Safeguarders hold a Blue Card, have completed the Child Protection Training, and had a National Police Check. You can find out more about Safeguarding here.
Our safeguarders: Melanie Johnson and Joe Yowe.
Or contact the Office of Professional Standards for support and assistance on 1800 242 544 or email professionalstandards@anglicanchurchsq.org.au