
Welcome to St Catherine’s Anglican Parish of Centenary Suburbs. We hope you find this a soft place to land.

Worship times:

Sundays, 7am and 9am - Holy Eucharist
Wednesdays, 10am - Holy Eucharist in a contemplative style (quiet and reflective).
Each time we gather for worship you are invited to stay on for a time of fellowship over a cuppa.

Accessibility: St Catherine’s church is fully accessible to all. Suggestions for improvements are welcome.

This is your church; you are welcome at any time. If you are new, we would love to get to know you. If you are already part of our community, thank you for being here!

We look forward to seeing you in person, soon.

Acknowledgement of Country

We worship God, Creator of all that is, was, and ever will be. We give thanks for the land on which we meet.
In God’s reconciling Spirit, we acknowledge the traditional custodians of this ancient land
and their continued spiritual connection to it.

Comprehensive Anglicanism

Our parish community is one expression of comprehensive Anglicanism. This means that:

  • we are catholic, or universal, in our embrace of the traditions of the church back to the foundational creeds,

  • evangelical in our outreach to honour the great commission to make disciples of all nations and,

  • progressive in that we honour the insights of science and deep learning to inform our understanding of the scriptures and traditions of the church.

We are therefore, because of this commitment, a community to which all are welcome.

Rev’d Elizabeth.